stills and loops from live visuals created in 2017 & 2018.

Interview with Inverted Audio

2018 dates/
August 2018Killekill Summer Camp with Universe of Tang, Griessmuhle, Berlin, Germany.
May 2018EMERGENCY TANG, London.
April 2018ETS: Depot, The Cause, London.
April 2018Edited presents: Radiophonic with Samuel Kerridge + Many More, The Cause, London.
January 2018 Dialogue x Tang, Bristol.
2017 dates/
November 2017T A N G L A P S E, London.
September 2017HooL, Kamio @ Red Gallery, London.
July 2017Even the Strong #6 with Akito, Lockhart, MM, NKC, Superficie, Tash LC @ The Flying Dutchman, London
July 2017TANGTARCTICA, London.
April 2017Even the Strong #5 with Fraxinus, Kid Antoine, Mina, MM, NKC, Suda, Tash_LC @ The Flying Dutchman, London.
February 2017ERUPTANG, London.
January 2017:Even the Strong #4, London.